Baking for the community
This project involves the original community of Guamote, a local association of artisan women, a tourism company and their branding agency (us), working together to create a brand that represents the community, contributes financially to the association and serves as a tourist ambassador.
First task: create a package for quinoa cookies baked by Guamote’s Association of Women, which are given as a gift for guests at Inti Sisa hostel. We did so.
Anyway, recognizing the potential of the product, our proposal is make Quincu’s quinua cookies into a more reachable product, so we design a communication system with a broader projection.
We also take care of creating a positioning campaign. Voicing quinoa as a superfood, which is part of astronauts’ diet, on its community and artisan origin as background.
Illustration is the main connector, with a narrative that shows the community of creative women, the quinoa plant and its atributes as superfood –being part of nutrition programs in space missions–. We propose a playful, warm and friendly language, aimed at a generation of conscious and cultural-aware public.